Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Followers Squared. Your Follower's Followers

The whole fake follower’s thing on Twitter is so boringly, mind numbingly crass.  The concept of people buying followers is just so indicative of the worst sides of human nature that I have to pause for a minute, gather myself and calm down.

Who would buy fake followers?  Recent research is showing that many people in the public eye have and do. see Social Media Today Blog Article on Fake Followers  The people and presumably the Marketing agencies that did this must have realised that it would backfire sooner or later. What were they doing?

It was only a matter of time before the Data would show up the facts and the inconsistencies.  The blatantly obvious thing about social media is that it is all recorded on servers and the data can be examined in infinitesimal detail at any subsequent time.  Eventually the data is crunched by some clever bit of software and the Walls of Social Media Faking Jericho come tumbling down.

Surely one of the main things about Social Media is the need for reality.  Social Transparency is the key word.  That’s why you can’t be a Celebrity who two times your wife anymore, or a regime that represses it’s people and pretends it isn’t .  Social Media is about real communication, between real people and we are all getting better at using it and spotting the fakers.

Come on Guys GET REAL!

I could go on, but I won’t ………

A good way to establish influence on Twitter and to examine the reach of a Twitter user is to look at the followers of their followers.  For the sake of this article I have called this Followers Squared as in effect I am saying that we can best judge Twitter influence by multiplying Twitter users follower’s by their follower’s follower numbers.  Followerwonk is a useful tool for looking at Twitter follower statistics and here I am using figures taken from Followerwonk showing the followers of various people and how many followers their followers have (Followers Squared).

These pictures show the follower’s followers (Follower Squared) stats of two famous politicians. Although they both have staggeringly high follower counts (multi million) they perform particularly badly when you start looking at their Follower Squared stats (particularly note the average and median followers of followers) ……

The following BBC Journalistic has far fewer followers (around 6,000) but has particularly good Follower Squared stats.  Also check his Average of 1901!! His Twitter account also ranks higher than both the politicians on Google too ….. of course there is a correspondence! 

I wouldn’t dare infer that these politicians might have fake followers but I would say that the BBC Journalist doesn’t and is obviously very influential when tweeting and being re-tweeted.
And er … um …. I better come clean ……… here are my stats …..

Phew! not too bad ……. I like my average and median ….. but don’t worry I won’t be standing for President … just yet ……. I can’t …. I’m British …… but David Cameron better watch out! …

And I’m sure that I could appeal to a few ….. Twitter Moms ….. ;)


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Twitter SEO Top 30

It's quite easy to find out who are the top Twitter users, by follower numbers, by going to sites such as twitaholic.com/ or twittercounter.com/pages/100. However for those involved in SEO, what is more interesting, is the relevant SERPs positions of Twitter users accounts.  So, to help, I have produced a Twitter SEO Top 30.  This list is interesting, as it shows that follower numbers, are not as direct a link to SERPs position as one might think.  In fact one of the top ten accounts has only around 6389 followers (Pallab Ghosh ) and is ranked higher than Lady GaGa with 29,000,971 followers.  As to why this is, I will allow readers to draw their own conclusions. I have a few ideas, but want to do more research.
Anyway I have used the Google search ........

“on Twitter” site:https://twitter.com/ 

that I used in my previous post ‘Which is best for SEO Facebook or Twitter?’ , to bring up the Google SERPs for Twitter accounts worldwide.  On checking my results, these seem to be worldwide, but from an anglicised perspective i.e. an amalgamation of English speaking countries. So here is the Twitter SEO Top 30 for 2nd September 2012....

Position                    Followers                               Account

  1                              2606286                             Tiger Woods
  2                              1695028                             Katie Price/Jordan

  3                              4756574                             Stephen Fry
  4                                382502                             The British Monarchy
  5                              7376837                             Justin Beiber
  6                                    5840                             JoomlArt
  7                                    6389                             Pallab Ghosh
  8                              3058448                             Steve Martin
  9                              1616954                             WordPress
 10                               120504                             WikiLeaks
 11                           29000971                             Lady Gaga
 12                             1398868                             Calvin Harris
 13                             1305770                             Ian Poulter
 14                             6504135                             Conan O'Brien
 15                             1129144                             Curiosity Rover
 16                             2138384                             John Cleese
 17                             3717489                             Lance Armstrong
 18                             5592135                             Jessica Simpson
 19                               799442                             Brian Cox
 20                             3328931                             Dwayne Johnson
 21                           12942873                             50cent
 22                             7105404                             Arnold Schwarzenegger
 23                             2574469                             Example
 24                             1351572                             Richard Branson
 25                             2452927                             One Direction
 26                             6299708                             Miley Ray Cyrus
 27                             8464021                             London 2012
 28                             1589777                             Tate
 29                               713562                             Tinie Tempah    
 30                             1566720                             O2

I will be continuing to research this area and will post more as I find out more.


SEO Specialist David Steer @SEO_Steer Twitter SEO Top 30

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Which is best for SEO? Facebook or Twitter?

How well Google can index Facebook or Twitter is dependent upon how much data is made available to it from these private networks and how full an indexing they could handle without them grinding to a halt.  One would think that Google needs to index the whole of the internet if their service is to remain valid, but Facebook and Twitter are basically private networks so can only be comprehensively indexed if the owners allow it.

Of course, there will always be private networks on the Internet, but if those parts of the Internet are as big as Facebook and Twitter, then search engines will start to have problems of validity, as Social Media grows, if they are unable to represent them properly to their search users.  Real time indexing of these Social Media services is no longer done by Google, much to the disappointment of many, but the users of both Facebook and Twitter are indexed and their SERP results will be important to those interested in SEO.

So, the practical question at hand is …… Which is better for SEO, Facebook or Twitter?  If a person or a firm has only enough time to concentrate on one of the platforms from an SEO point of view, which one should be chosen?  Here is a practical way that I used to answer this question, it may have some flaws, but I believe it gives a good indication to the answer.  So, this is what I did……..

On Google I used this search…

 “is on Facebook” site:www.facebook.com/

This search brings up all the users on Facebook that are currently indexed by Google. The number of results found was 690,000,000 which corresponds well to Wikipedia’s estimation of the number of users on Facebook.  The top five results were … The British Monarchy, Sarah Palin, Facebook itself, George W Bush and the Dali Lama.  A motley crew, but those I made the contenders for Facebook (It’ll all make sense soon, be patient).  I kept that browser window open.

In another browser window I put this search into Google

“on Twitter” site:https://twitter.com/

This search brings up all the users on Twitter that are currently indexed by Google. The number of people on Twitter is not really agreed upon, but a general estimate is 500 million.  The number of results this search found was 1,460,000,000.  The difference in the numbers, I would consider, is due to a less definitive search and a preponderance of spam bot Twitter accounts.  The top five Twitter users on my search were … Tiger Woods, Kanye West, 50 Cent, Stephen Fry and Justin Beiber.  These I made the contenders for Twitter.

Now to find out which is better for SEO Facebook or Twitter?  I took the top contender from Facebook, the British Monarchy, and pitted it against Tiger Woods for Twitter. Opened Google in a new browser window and entered this search…….

"Tiger Woods (TigerWoods) on Twitter" | "The British Monarchy Facebook"

This search was designed to find the Tiger Woods Twitter account and the British Monarchy Facebook page.  The one that is ranked highest in the SERP is of course the SEO Winner!

and the winner was ………. The British Monarchy!

I repeated the process with the losing contender facing off with the next contender down on the winning Social Media’s side. So the next search was ………

"Tiger Woods (TigerWoods) on Twitter " | "Sarah Palin Facebook"

and the winner was ………. Sarah Palin!

Tiger Woods had to face one Facebook Contender after another …. Facebook itself, George W Bush, the Dalai Lama and was beaten by all of them!  He continued squaring up to Facebook contenders until he reached search page 10 of the Facebook users, and had a face off against ….. Lee Minho?!?

"Tiger Woods (TigerWoods) on Twitter " | "Lee Minho Facebook"

and the winner was (at last) Tiger Woods!

The conclusion has to be that if Lee Minho only used Facebook and Tiger Woods only used Twitter and they both had no other internet presence. Then, as a Google user, it would seem that Lee Minho was more famous than Tiger Woods!!!

So that’s it then……

Which is better for SEO, Facebook or Twitter?

No contest…….

Facebook is better than Twitter for SEO.


Is the age of the search engine over?

When I first used the Internet in 1987 I was setting up a multi-site email system for a UK based company. Later, in 1992, I started using bulletin boards that had to be dialled into directly by modem. 1993 was my first experience of the World Wide Web, using the Mosaic Browser on Windows 3.1 through a 56K modem. The method used was to enter a URL into the browser which then took you to the Web site. Once there we had the ability to jump between pages or navigate to other Web Sites through Hyperlinks (Yes we called them Hyper in those days). Most of my early explorations were done using magazine listings of web sites which were ubiquitous at the time. It was just a case of finding a web site that interested you in the web site listings magazine, then typing the URL from the magazine into the Mosaic browser and ‘Hey Presto’ you were surfing the web! Once there, you would often see links to other web sites and so you would begin a sometimes interesting, but often a disappointing /boring /unusual /irrelevant trip around the web. The whole concept of a network of information as intended by Sir Tim Berners-Lee hadn’t yet been grasped by the users of the Internet. Probably because the whole concept of a democratic network of information, where you were both a consumer and a provider of information, was so hard for us to grasp. We were used to a top down hierarchical model of Information distribution. Initially we received information about the world through Clerics and Town Criers, then 500 years ago we had the revolution of the printing press, then much later radio and TV accelerated things once more, but they were all top down, hierarchical and broadcasted means of information distribution, a one to many model. We just weren’t used to the new paradigm of Information distribution and exchange that was the Internet when it first appeared.

 So that’s why Search Engines became successful so quickly. We had to have a way of indexing the information on the internet in a hierarchical manner so that we could begin to comprehend and navigate its growing enormity and complexity. We took to search engines like a fishes to water. I seem to remember that Alta Vista was all the rage and like so many others I made it my home page on my browser. It was the starting point at which I went off on my wondrous journeys on the web. That was almost twenty years ago now and you know what ……….. I rarely start my journeys on the internet on a search engine anymore. I’m willing to bet that you don’t either. I believe that the reason for this is that we are beginning to catch up with the paradigm of networked information and how to use it. I don’t start my internet experiences by saying I want to find so-and-so anymore, I just start. I enter and follow the paths of information that open up before me. This could be by going onto Facebook and following a link posted by a friend, or by seeing an interesting tweet, or by just coming across a web site on Stumbleupon. I can honestly say that the only times I use Google these days is to find something on Wikipedia or to check SERPs for SEO purposes.

 This change of Internet Information use has obviously been brought about by Social Media. I believe that Social Media has only become so dominant, because Internet users have found that it fits with their new and developing relationship with information. You can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. In my opinion Social Media is so successful on the Internet because it fits far closer to the original design brief of the World Wide Web as set by Sir Tim Berners-Lee … a network of information …. combined with the fact that people now understand the paradigm of networked information.

 So what we have with Search Engines is an imposing of a hierarchical information model upon a networked information model. It used to work when our heads were that way inclined, when we wanted things listed in order of importance , but now this way of looking at the Internet is beginning to creak. The headlong rush to be at the top of the search listings, and the amount of effort and money that is spent to be there, is a symptom of the incongruous nature of two different ways of looking at data; Pandas and Penguins won’t solve this situation. Only a new type of Search Engine will, or is the Internet a search engine in itself and we are merely becoming better and better at navigating it without the aid of Google?


The Penguin SEO Riots

A story emerges on the Internet 4th May 2012 ……….

 “Today internet workers protested outside Google Mumbai. Google’s recent algorithm change (called Penguin) has created widespread unemployment in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore.  Matt Cutts (head of Google webspam team) is expected to address the angry crowds tomorrow via video link from Google HQ.” 

Did this actually happen? or is this one of the many Internet inventions / fallacies/ made up stories / memes / rumours that spread through the Internet? Researching for this article I came across one basic Internet  article that has been spun over and over again for obvious SEO (Search Engine Optimization) purposes, either by humans or through article spinning software (look for incredibly bad grammar and the tortuous use of a thesaurus). This spinning makes the story of this article even more interesting, due to the fact that the story is about….. The spinning of Web articles! (The re-writing of Web articles for the sake of increasing the search rankings of websites). The thousands of in Indian workers who make a living from the spinning of Web articles who are now loosing their jobs. Google, trying to clamp down on this way of fooling it’s search engine.  Plus, an update to Google's search engine software that brought about the change, (this is where the Penguin comes in) called the Penguin Update.

For those of you who are not SEO (Search Engine Optimization) aficionados , let me explain. One way that an SEO firm can increase the rankings of a website, is to write an article on a blog and have links from that blog go to a website that they want to promote up the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). This method of SEO is called link building and has been one of the main stay activities of SEO firms for the last 15years.  An easy way to do this is to take an existing, original article, rewrite it and put it on your own blog or website.  You then point the web links from the Web article to the Web sites that you want to promote. These re-writes don’t necessarily have to be good, as often no humans are going to read them, they only need to be there in order to be scanned by Search Engines such as Google. These Web articles mustn’t be exact copies of another Web article, otherwise the Google indexing robot would spot them and demote their relevance and authority.  However, if they are rewritten, then they will escape this test and reproduce the link juice that is craved by the Marketing and Advertising Industry to promote Web sites up the  SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) . Internet Marketing and Advertising Firms from the USA and UK in particular have been outsourcing these Link Building activities to India, because, as with so many industries, this reduces their costs. Now we have a situation where 80% of this Link Building has been outsourced to India.

Here are links to this article's appearance and reappearance on the Internet. The article emerged in early May 2012.

First let’s start with the photo …….. supposedly sourced from Reuters…….

SEO Specialist David Steer  @SEO_Steer Penguin Riots Original

Is this photo genuine? Or is it a photo shop of another riot? with pictures of Matt Cutts (head of Google webspam team) from Google being put electronically onto the the placards being held aloft. To me those placards look fake, as they are all exactly the same. One would think that a really angry mob would have a variety of placards. Let’s face it they’re supposed to be angry, not coordinated! I also could not find the photo or the story on Reuters.

Now here are the links showing how the story emerged on the internet … this is by no means an exhaustive list of links …… and I have no axe to grind with any of the sites I’ve linked too ….  I'm just showing how the story emerged, how it spread, and how it was interpreted.

4th May 2012

6th May 2012 … but the story proceeds
love the use of ‘Miss Conceptions’ on this one …… does this describe an overly fertile but currently unmarried single Mother?

9th May 2012 ….. the story rumbles on

22nd May…. Less sympathetic … but still going with the story ….

You shouldn’t have trusted those Indians ….

25th May 2012 ….

If you have the time to search the theme on Google, you will see the story, or variations of the story, appearing again and again.

Technological change often brings about social disruption. The Luddites http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luddite protested against the changes to textile production brought about by the mill owners in early 19th century industrial Britain.  Whereas the Luddites were protesting against the industrialization of textile processes, in India, link building workers are protesting against changes by Google that make their work redundant. The irony is that both the sets of workers are called Spinners, the modern ones spinning web content and the older ones spinning wool.

Modern day Google and 19th century mill owners seem very similar in this scenario. Both modernising their processes, to make them better and cheaper for their customers, but completely ignoring, or not wishing  to fully be responsible for the consequences of their actions. So much for ‘Don’t do evil’. However, to Googles credit they offered to help the workers develop new skills and practices that are more in keeping with Google’s new search algorithms. Matt Cutts the head of Google’s Webspam team talked to the angry workers via video link , trying to calm the angry crowds by pointing them in the direction of new techniques that they could use, but apparently this did not placate the angry mob.

Addressing an angry mob via a video link has to be a bit cowardly in my opinion, at least in 19th  century Britain the mill owners would appear live, as it were, standing in front of their massive factories, top hat, sideburns and cigar in mouth,remonstrating face to face with the irate Luddites.

But wait ……….. surely this story is not true …. It has just been made up and spun into existence … It is an Internet myth………

I believe that at the base of any myth, as part of the myths DNA as it were, is an archetypal truth. This is why the Greek myths have lasted so long and have been retold over and over again. This is an invented story, but the difference between a myth and a good story is indefinable, like the thin line that separates genius and madness.

So what is at the core of this little, Internet, proto myth? At the centre of this Internet myth is the archetypal truth of how industrial change has catastrophic effects upon people. It shines a light on how reliant we all are on technology for our survival. It shows how our lives can change so frighteningly fast. It was more simple in the past, we grew food, we eat food, we hunted, we gathered. We built shelters and lit fires, we kept warm and out of the rain. With the onset of the Industrial revolution, in the 17th century, we became more prosperous, but simultaneously, became totally reliant on the technology and the factory jobs that provided us with money, so that we could ‘Buy’ our food and shelter. The industrialists and entrepreneurs that ran those factories had to respond to their competitors, who would constantly be coming up with innovations and inventions that would threaten to backrupt them if not copied or bettered. So, we have all become caught up on in an industrial ‘Arms race’ of constant and worrying change. At the centre of this Internet myth of the Penguin Riots of 2012, is the fear of technological change and how it affects us all. 


Payola SEO

In the 1950's, the world of U.S. music was rocked by the Payola Scandal. Disc Jockeys (DJs) such as Alan Freed were caught being paid money by the music industry, to play particular records instead of others on the radio, thus making them more popular. In the 1960's, the UK music industry, after identifying which record shops were being used by the BBC to judge record sales for the UK music charts, would pay people to go and buy armfuls of singles (music downloads for the younger audience) from those record shops. These records would become hits very quickly, get big exposure and then go on to sell even more based on this publicity.

Having read the article Why You Shouldn't Buy New Followers For Your Business it really made me think about the whole morality and efficacy of paying for   'likes', 'followers' and 'shares'  in Social Media. Do we really think that because a brand or person has more 'likes', 'followers' or 'shares' than another, that indicates success or kudos? Are we more likely to also 'follow', 'share' or 'like' a social media presence because it already has a large following? Apparently we are, otherwise why would people pay for 'likes', 'followers' or 'shares'  or even contemplate doing so? There are many firms offering this service on the Internet, so there must be money to be made, and people prepared to pay for it.

The Search Engines must also be fooled by this, as I cannot see how a search engine could figure out whether  'likes', 'followers' and 'shares' are fake or not. This would require A.I. beyond that which is currently available. However, as humans, we can usually identify fakes if we have time, but usually we don't have time, and we just look at, and trust, the headline figures.

So, do we live in a world of social media spin and inauthenticity? Are we all just spending our time using 'slight of hand' and 'sideshow magic tricks' to fool each other, in a massive cybernetic illusion of un-reality?

In the 50's, was Elvis Presly really that good? or were we just fooled into liking him because apparently everyone else did? Was there another great singer, much better than Elvis, left lurking on some Southern US porch, rocking his rocking chair and not the world, because he wasn't backed by Payola? Was there another Liverpudlian band, 'The Butterflies', who returned to their work on the docks, after selling loads of records in the 'wrong' record stores, only to find that their neighbours 'The Beatles' were topping the charts, being interviewed on TV and going on to conquer the world?


The Zen of SEO

"Use your opponent's force against them" said the Master. "Do not meet excessive force head on, or you will be destroyed by it". "Step aside and let your opponent speed past you. Ultimately, smashing themselves into a nearby tree".

Unless you have massive resources at your disposal you cannot hope to compete head on for the keywords that are the most sought after. The most sought after search keywords are the most expensive PPC (paid search) keywords. These will also be the most expensive words to get promoted organically through an SEO agency. In your own field of endeavour, there will also be they keywords that all your competeitiors will be using and paying handsomely for.

So you need to think like a Zen Master when selecting the keywords to use. SEO professionals will often talk about the long tail of keywords. These are the lesser known keywords, associated with an industry or sector, but experience has shown that if the same amount of effort is put into the selection and promotion of these lessor used keywords, they can reap greater benefits in terms of customer aquisition, than just focussing soley on the the most popular keywords.

As well as this long tail approach I think that one should think far more creatively in the selection of keywords, as a means of promoting ones business through SEO. Search engine data shows that 80% of search terms used by the world population as a whole, are pretty much unique. I believe that ultimately the best SEO is all about connectivity. Connecting real people to one another in a real way. The SEO bit is about making yourself or your company visible to the rest of the world through the Internet, which for me is just one big search engine.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

5 mins of SEO to get your Twitter A/c to a Better Google Position.

Your Twitter account's Google position is very important. It may be the one thing that a customer finds when they are looking on Google for the kinds of services and goods you provide. So have you thought about doing some SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on it?

Here are three quick SEO wins that should take just 5 mins to do.........

1. Edit your Twitter profile and change your name so that it includes keywords that you want to be found on Google for.

2. Edit your Twitter account and change your username so that it includes keywords that you want to be found on Google for. You may have to try a few times to get one that no one else has, but Twitter will tell you whether a username has been previously taken or not, as you try different ones. Don't worry these changes won't effect your previous usage of Twitter or your followers etc.

3. Edit your Twitter profile and use all the 160 characters that you are allowed to use, to describe yourself and give a full description of what you offer clients and customers. Make sure that you start the descritpion with keywords that you want to be found for on Google and sprinkle them throughout your bio too (Sprinkle!! don't over egg the pudding now!).

Give it a try .. just five minutes work ... and watch yourself rise up the search rankings as you tweet!


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Befriend the Penguin for Good SEO

Google's latest update to their search algorythm is called Penguin. It's designed to weed out SEO techniques that are a little underhand, but have become stock in trade for so many practitioners of the arts of SEO. Many SEO techniques that have become standard practice will now actually harm your web sites search ranking.

To start with DON'T PANIC ....... Just focus on Quality and putting your intended audience (customers, clients) at the centre of what you are doing. If you've been producing Quality content on the Web then keep doing it ...... these Penguin updates are designed to help your web presence rise up the Google Search Rankings. If you haven't been producing  good quality content for the Web then start now. Trying to trick or spam the search engines is just pants and let's face it your know it inside. Good quality content will now be rewarded by Google and it will make you feel very virtuous, as you will be improving the Web and providing your cutomers with a better web experiece.

The new Penguin update will look for what it considers to be SEO tricks and behaviour that would not normally occur unless the content producer was obviously trying to get an unnaturally high ranking for particular keywords. Here are the ones that the Penguin doesn't like, so try not to use them in future if you want to improve or retain you search ranking. This also means making sure that any individual or organization that is using these techniques as part of their SEO service for you will refrain from doing so in future. For example here is one of the main things that the Google Penguin will frown upon.............

Using unnatrual linking text when linking to other web sites. The most natural way that people suggest links to another web site is to just put the URL of the page in the text.

Such as ..... 'if you want more information then go to https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home '


they may link text to the name of the site such as ....... 'if you want more information then go to Google's WebmasterTools '


they would not naturally put Best SEO Tools

this is obviously an attempt to link the keywords 'Best SEO Tools' to the site being linked to and thus increase the Google Juice for those keywords on that site..

This has become almost standard practice in SEO but now thanks to the Penguin it will actually have a negative effect on your site's search ranking.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Googel vs SEO. Do Google want PPC only for Commercial sites?

The latest updates to the Google Algorythims (Panda/Penguin) are designed to scupper the traditional ways of SEO (particulalry Back Linking Schemes) but does this mean that Google want to drive out SEO Specialists and Firms altogether? On Google's Webmaster Blog there is a very telling sentence ........ "We want people doing white hat search engine optimization (or even no search engine optimization at all) to be free to focus on creating amazing, compelling web sites". see the Google Web Master Article

So what is it?  do Google want people to practice SEO or Not?.....

I beleive that Google do not want people to practice SEO ........... for these reasons.........

I was trying to figure out what to do in order to be a good SEO Specialist in light of the latest changes to the Google Algorythims (Panda/Penguin) and a cracking idea started to form in my head ...... it was simple ... all a company would have to do, is create a ..... Portal of Power .... a Website containing well researched well developed and well written articles on the subjects that their customers would be interested in (not Web Spam Sites with little content) .....these would be centres of excellence on their particularl subject .... ideally rivalling and exceeding Wikipedias authority on particular subjects .... companies  would not advertise or even acknowledge the site ownership ..... but when they had established their excellence and appropriate lvels of Search Engine Ranking then direct links from the Portal of Power would got straight to the products of the company. This would work, not from a spammy backlinking point of view from a site of little and poor content ...... but from a genuine way of directing potential customers from a site of excellence and interest, on the associated subject, to a relevant product from the createor of the site. Therfore using Google's own guidelines of producing fantastic content for consumers and then creating a direct sales funnel to the products of the company that had created the website of excellence ........... EUREKA!!

Told my wife ........ but she said ....... "when I want to buy something such as Bike for example .... I don't put 'Bicycles' or 'Bike' or the 'History of the Bicycle' or 'Bicycle Information' into Google ........ I put 'Bikes for Sale' in!!!" So at that instant I realised..........

All that stuff about giving people  Better Quality Sites to find and a Better User Experience is just a smoke screen from Google ........ What they really want is ....... if you put 'Bikes for Sale' into Google ...... you get interesting articels on Bikes from non-profit organizations in the Organic listings .... AND GUESS WHAT ..... the PPC (pay per click) Ads from web sites that are selling Bikes.

As the Meerkat on Compare the Meerkat would say Simplezz ........ Google want to get  more PPC (pay per click) revenue from commercial organizations by clamping down on SEO. It's a simple correlation ........ money spent on SEO Specialists is effectively money not spent on PPC.

If this is the case ....... I think Google are being short sited ........ more from me on this soon.

All the best Dave.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Post Penguin SEO – Stop Whinging – Start Changing

I have been thinking more and more about the implications of Google’s new algorithm designed to stop their Search Engine being fooled. Much of the Bellyaching coming from established SEO Companies is along the lines of “Our Web Site has lost it’s position on Google and it’s just not fair!!”. However these companies that used obvious linking schemes to promote web sites were trying to game the Google search Algorithms to get an unjustifiably higher search position for themselves and for their clients. Now Google is trying to fight back and give their customer’s an un-spammed search experience. Google are now calling this kind of Gaming “Web Spam” and the two main indicators of this Web Spam behaviour are Keyword Stuffing and Link Schemes. By calling this behaviour “Web Spam” they are linking it (can you see the Pun?) to the just as consumer painful experience of Viagra and Penis Enlargement driven email spam.

Lets have a look at keyword Stuffing. This is the BAD SEO technique that destroyed Google’s predecessor Alta Vista. Basically stuff as many keywords into a web page as possible and thus get it ranked higher. I thought this kind of SEO had died out years ago …… but apparently not ….. here is an example from Google’s Webmaster pages ………

SEO Specialist David Steer @SEO_Steer keyword-stuffing

and then there is the BAD SEO of Link Schemes. Google say that they consider Link Schemes to be characterized by ……..
  • Links intended to manipulate PageRank
  • Links to web spammers or bad neighborhoods on the web
  • Excessive reciprocal links or excessive link exchanging ("Link to me and I'll link to you.")
  • Buying or selling links that pass PageRank
That just about covers most of techniques used by established SEO companies!!

So what is the way forward for SEO? I Believe that the way forward (and from their Webmaster Pages so do Google) is through helping our clients to produce the best On Site On Page content they possibly can, aimed at helping and informing the Clients that they wish to aquire. Then I think that good On Page SEO should be used to emphasise the (well researched) targeted keywords to find these Customers, together with good Site Design that emphasisies fast load up times for a better user experience. Lastly use Social Media to connect to the world and advertise this content to the appropriate clients and consumers. I call this approach the 3Cs of SEO ….. Content …. Code …. Connectivity .

Have a look at the Google Webmaster’s Page thatinspired this Article


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bad SEO: The Duplication of Content

The Duplication of content, in one way or another, is a factor that will reduce the SEO of your web presence. This is because Google and other Search Engines will normally consider duplicate content on the internet to be suspicious. Bear in mind that a Search Engine such as Google, wants it's clients to find original and informative content. So if it sees the duplication of content, then alarm bells will ring.  Generally speaking it will think that one of the following things are happening and downgrade you web presence accordingly ......

Bad SEO Firstly and more obviously, someone has just used copy and paste to copy an original article on the internet and paste it into their own web site or web presence, thus saving themselves the effort of writing something original from scratch. Good SEO Don't copy material from other web sites. Write your own material. Even if this means reading a really good article, that you find really informative, then writing it in your own words and your own style. Oscar Wilde said .... "Bad Writers Copy .... Good Writers Borrow" .. ;) Also if you have Printer Friendly versions of pages on your web site, make sure that for the Printer Friendly Pages, you have the robots.txt file set appropriately, so that Search Engines won't index those pages and then think they are duplicates.

Bad SEO On an e-Commerce site someone has copied the description of a product and merely changed the product name, price, code etc. Thus indicating that the product could be bought from the original manufacturer's web site and that the new web site is just offering exactly the same product with no additional customer service and help. This also looks highly suspicious from a fraud/con point of view. Good SEO Is as above i.e. write your own copy. Plus if you are selling something on the internet, that the original manufacturer is also selling on the internet, then you should seriously reconsider your Business Model. Are you offering a better Customer Experience / Back Up / Training than the original manufacturer? i.e. what is the Added Value that you are giving to the consumer? Make the description of the Added Value the core of the product description on your e-Commerce Web Pages.

Bad SEO Multiple domains are pointing at the same piece of information. This will make the Search Engines think that you are trying to game them. This is a Black Hat SEO technique that has worked well in the past, but now is a known Black Hat technique and will be punished accordingly. Good SEO Try and stick with one URL for each of your Web Pages and one overall domain for your main web site. However most web presences are going to have multiple domains for legacy or for URL memorability reasons and if this is the case make sure that 301 Redirects are used to point these other URLs to your main URL.

So remember for Good SEO don't Duplicate ... I said ... don't Duplicate!


Monday, July 16, 2012

The 3Cs of SEO

SEO is far more than just Keywords and Backlinks nowadays. With the growing importance of Social Media and with Google tightening it's Search Engine Algorithms so that clever tactics, which aim at gaming and fooling their search engine, are given the heave ho.

Google became prominent over the old search engine favorite Alta Vista (Remember That) because Alta Vista was too easy to Spam with Keyword Stuffing and it’s Search Results became too much like phone book listings with AAAAAA Taxis being pipped to the post by AAAAAAA Taxis! So, along came Google with it's ability to trace backlinks and so It's results were far better than Alta Vistas. It became the Search Engine of choice and very quickly became the dominant force that it is today.

However,  the World's SEO Experts have become too good at Backlink Spamming and so Google have had to down grade the prominence it gives to such Spammy tactics. Now they are integrating the importance of Social Media in their listings. These are the so called Panda/Penguin/Farmer updates to Google. At the end of the day Google don't want to become the next Alta Vista. Their whole business model relies on people believing that the results they get when they search on Google are going to be relevant.

So it is my belief that the way forward for SEO Success in the post  Panda/Penguin/Farmer World is to follow the 3Cs of SEO ............. Content ....... Code ....... Connection.

Content. Since the very beginning of the World Wide Web the popular axiom has always been Content is King. This is truer now than it has ever been. Provide the best content you can on your Web Site, Blog, or Web Presence. The WWW was design as a means of providing and sharing information. That is what users of the WWW are expecting, either consciously or unconsciously. If you provide good relevant content,  people will return to your site for more often. They will also refer your site on Social Media and provide links to your site, either through adding links to their own site or through sharing mechanisms such as Shareaholic or though Social Media like a share on FaceBook  for example ...... thus providing natural and organic backlinking which Google will find far more authoritative than spammy links from link farms.

Code. There is however no getting away from the fact that the Google Search Engine is only a piece of software and it will inevitably have to have some kind of rules when it comes to favoring keywords in certain positions on the web page. Therefore you must learn what is generally considered to be the rules (Google would never tell us exactly) and use them on your own web page (presence) so that the Keywords that you want to be found for, are present and correct, in the right places. This is commonly known as OnPage SEO.

Connection. Connect with the people that you want to be your clients/customers/co-workers/colaborators. This is where Social Media comes in. Work out what types of Social Media are going to connect with the audience that you want to connect with and use it to advertise your content. Traffic flow to the content will bring about the organic back linking and referring which will improve your Search Engine Rankings. You will also be simultaneously Internet Marketing your site. By Internet Marketing your Web Page/Presence you will be performing SEO on it and by performing SEO on it you will be Internet Marketing it! ......... an Ongoing Virtuous Spiral of SEO and Internet Marketing which leads to the Ultimate Goal of Client/Customer Engagement.

So if you want to do the best SEO in the Post Panda World ……. Use the 3Cs of SEO ….. ContentCodeConnection!


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Five Keys to OnPage Keyword SEO

Once you have established the keywords you want to use to promote your website and the individual webpages that are part of it, you need to know where to place these keywords. Here are the Five Key Areas that will have the greatest effect on your OnPage Keyword  SEO.

Key 1 OnPage Keyword SEO: The Title Tag:

Key 1 OnPage Keyword SEO: The Title Tag:

Key 2 OnPage Keyword SEO: The H1 and H2 Headings: 

Key 2 OnPage Keyword SEO: The H1 and H2 Headings:

Key 3 OnPage Keyword SEO: Link Text: 

Key 3 OnPage Keyword SEO: Link Text:

Key 4 OnPage Keyword SEO: The Page URL: 

Key 4 OnPage Keyword SEO: The Page URL:

Key 5 OnPage Keyword SEO: Image Alt Text: 

Key 5 OnPage Keyword SEO: Image Alt Text:

Key 5 OnPage Keyword SEO: Image Alt Text:

Hope these Keys open some SEO Doors for you ...... Let me know! .... All the best Dave


Monday, July 9, 2012

Keep your Eye on the Ball.... Five Easy SEO Wins

Here are five easy ways to get a higher Google search position for your Website......

1. Provide really good content. The old saying with websites was 'Content is King'. What this means is make your website as interesting as possible to your target audience. Another way of saying this is 'Just be Awesome'

2. Uses Images. People are attracted to images initially before they are drawn to text. Also name your images using the keywords that you want to promote. Google uses the names of images as part of it's search engine. So if someone does an image search they could find your website that way.

3. URL need your Keywords in your URL. If your are a cake shop in Cardiff .... try and get the URL www.CakeShopCardiff.co.uk or something similar .... Google gives great weight to keywords within your URL (Domain Name).

4. Local Keywords for Local People. Unless you think your going to dominate the whole world straight away then have at least one or two of your keywords as the local area you want to be known for first. So if you are Papa Lazarou's Wedding Venue in Cardiff you would probably want Cardiff and Wales to be two of your keywords to concentrate on. As well as You're My Wife Now Dave.

5. Keep your Keyword Concentration to about Five. The old saying is 'Two Priorities is no Priority' but  in the case of SEO keywords I would say..... do not try to promote more than five keywords on your site otherwise you will dilute the importance that the Goggle Search Engine puts on each of them.

Give it a try ........ Hope this is useful ........ yours Dave


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Don't be an eCommerce CopyCat it's Bad SEO

BAD SEO: Don't be an eCommerce CopyCat. Google have updated the way that their Search Engine looks at websites, because they really don't like it when it seems that a website is trying to Spam it's way up the Google Search Rankings. One thing that Google really hate ...... (and so do customers) is when a website just copies and pastes the manufacturers description of a product onto their own website when selling the product. This is BAD SEO because the Google Search Engine will spot where the original text came from (the manufacturers Website) and realize that it has been copied exactly and they will now (Since the New Update PANDA) penalize the web site using the copied material.

GOOD SEO: If you want a high ranking for your eCommerce website then read the manufacturers specification and then rewrite it in your own words and maybe add some extra helpful information for your customers from your own knowledge of what you are selling. This is GOOD SEO and it will be helpful to your customers and differentiate your website from your competitors.


Monday, July 2, 2012

Like for Like is Good SEO

The Google Search Engine has been programmed to become more aware of Social Media when it ranks web sites on the internet nowadays. So if you have a Facebook page for your Business then the more people that LIKE it the more Google will think that your site is worth a higher search ranking and that includes you main web site if you have links from your Facebook Page to your web site (you do do that don't you??). Make sure you have a button for liking on your web site. I've got one on the right -------> you might even want to click it to see how it works ;) You can get this button from Facebook at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/

Why not start liking others pages too ..... they'll probably LIKE you back ..... Liking other people pages want harm you .... and it will certainly help you if they LIKE you back!

It's all about being Social .... You Scratch My Back and I'll Scratch Yours ... LIKE FOR LIKE.

Or as Shakespeare would put it ...... As you LIKE it.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

SEO Search Engine Optimization Basics - Keyword Placement

Here is a search on Google for the keywords Birthday Cake Shop. These are the top four Organic (not paid for or Google Map Results) Search results. The words of the search are Highlighted by Google and show where they are in the web pages that have been found. Many factors affect a web sites position on Google, but as we are concentrating on the effective placement of keywords on your site in this post let's look at the above picture and see where the keywords are highlighted. The first search result has the words Birthday Cake twice starting on the left as it's pages title Highlighted in Blue

Lesson 1...... put you main keywords in your Page Title as close to the left as possible. 

The first three all have the word cake in their URL (Web Name) and the second position actually has cakeshop in it. Green Highlights 

Lesson 2 ...... make sure that the main keyword(s) that you want to be found for are in your URL  (Web Name).

Lastly all of these search results have the keywords near the beginning of the first paragraph of the web page found (Black Highlights) so ......... 

Lesson 3 ....... Place the keywords you want to be found for in the first paragraph and as near to the beginning of the paragraph.

Keyword Placement for Better Google Search Position?..... It's as simple as 1...2....3


Friday, June 22, 2012

How to Check Your Search Position on Google

If you want to check your search position on Google DON'T use any piece of SEO Software to do it!! Google specifically Objects to the use of this software as it uses up their bandwidth and points at the users of such Software as someone who is trying to Game or Cheat their system. Google could well punish your website by having it De-Listed. So if you want to check how well you are doing on Google Search it's best to do it the long way by using Google. This may be slow, but it will be accurate (Most SEO Software isn't) and frankly if you are not appearing in the first ten pages for a search term you are working on, then you know that you need to work harder at it. It really isn't worth searching past page ten. Also.... add Google Analyticals and Google Web Tools to your site. This will provide you with a host of information legitimately from Google. Google want you to reach your audience (legitimately) so they provide loads of help. Lastly if you are using an SEO Firm ....... ask them if they are using SEO Software on your site ...... if they are .... ask them to stop NOW!!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers

At the end of the day Google doesn't like to get fooled. Overly optimized sites will be targeted by Google more and more in the future. If they suspect that a site is over optimized for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) then they will de-rank that web site from their Search Listings and who would blame them as they are trying to get relevant information to their customers i.e. you and me. Let's face it, we're all sick and tired of searching for something and having to wade though no content spam sites!! Modern SEO has to be about making your site visible through engagement with your customers and the people that you want to be your customers. If you are a business considering using an SEO firm to improve your rankings you must ask them and be reassured that they are not going to use traditional back link spamming that so many SEO firms have relied on in the past and are still trying to sell today. THESE WILL BACKFIRE ON YOUR BUSINESS!! sooner or later. Your approach must be one of honesty and a genuine desire to provide a quality internet experience for your customers and a genuine desire to engage with your customers. JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW. Yours Dave.


More Articles by David Steer ............

My SEO Philosophy. The Three Cs of SEO .....

Payola Social Media ..... The Zen of SEO ..... 5 mins of SEO to get your Twitter A/c to a Better Google Position. ..... Befriend the Penguin for Good SEO ..... Googel vs SEO. Do Google want PPC only for Commercial sites? ..... Post Penguin SEO – Stop Whinging – Start Changing ..... Bad SEO: The Duplication of Content ..... Five Keys to OnPage Keyword SEO ..... Top Ten Tips for a Top Ten Google Position ..... Five Easy SEO Wins for a Better Google Position ..... Don't be an eCommerce CopyCat it's Bad SEO ..... Like for Like is Good SEO ..... SEO Search Engine Optimization Basics - Keyword Placement ..... How to Check Your Search Position on Google ..... Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers ..... Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection ..... Digital Curation and SEO ..... Social Shares are Better than Back Links for SEO now ..... SEO and You Tube Visibility ..... Google isn't the only Fruit ..... Over aggressive back link building SEO strategies will backfire ..... Improve your SEO using Social Media ..... Social Media & SEO ..... Instagram and Tumblr

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection

When choosing the SEO keywords that you are going to focus on in your SEO (Search Engine Optimization)campaign, think about the keywords that your customers would put into Google to find you. Don't think about the keywords that you would use. You are an expert in your business and probably use insider words and specialist words when talking about your business. When interacting with your customers there is no harm in asking them ... "what keywords would you put into Google to find me? .... if you didn't know of my business already?" List these words over a period of time and you'll probably get some very effective keywords for your SEO campaign.


More Articles by David Steer ............

My SEO Philosophy. The Three Cs of SEO .....

Payola Social Media ..... The Zen of SEO ..... 5 mins of SEO to get your Twitter A/c to a Better Google Position. ..... Befriend the Penguin for Good SEO ..... Googel vs SEO. Do Google want PPC only for Commercial sites? ..... Post Penguin SEO – Stop Whinging – Start Changing ..... Bad SEO: The Duplication of Content ..... Five Keys to OnPage Keyword SEO ..... Top Ten Tips for a Top Ten Google Position ..... Five Easy SEO Wins for a Better Google Position ..... Don't be an eCommerce CopyCat it's Bad SEO ..... Like for Like is Good SEO ..... SEO Search Engine Optimization Basics - Keyword Placement ..... How to Check Your Search Position on Google ..... Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers ..... Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection ..... Digital Curation and SEO ..... Social Shares are Better than Back Links for SEO now ..... SEO and You Tube Visibility ..... Google isn't the only Fruit ..... Over aggressive back link building SEO strategies will backfire ..... Improve your SEO using Social Media ..... Social Media & SEO ..... Instagram and Tumblr