Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Zen of SEO

"Use your opponent's force against them" said the Master. "Do not meet excessive force head on, or you will be destroyed by it". "Step aside and let your opponent speed past you. Ultimately, smashing themselves into a nearby tree".

Unless you have massive resources at your disposal you cannot hope to compete head on for the keywords that are the most sought after. The most sought after search keywords are the most expensive PPC (paid search) keywords. These will also be the most expensive words to get promoted organically through an SEO agency. In your own field of endeavour, there will also be they keywords that all your competeitiors will be using and paying handsomely for.

So you need to think like a Zen Master when selecting the keywords to use. SEO professionals will often talk about the long tail of keywords. These are the lesser known keywords, associated with an industry or sector, but experience has shown that if the same amount of effort is put into the selection and promotion of these lessor used keywords, they can reap greater benefits in terms of customer aquisition, than just focussing soley on the the most popular keywords.

As well as this long tail approach I think that one should think far more creatively in the selection of keywords, as a means of promoting ones business through SEO. Search engine data shows that 80% of search terms used by the world population as a whole, are pretty much unique. I believe that ultimately the best SEO is all about connectivity. Connecting real people to one another in a real way. The SEO bit is about making yourself or your company visible to the rest of the world through the Internet, which for me is just one big search engine.


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