Monday, July 2, 2012

Like for Like is Good SEO

The Google Search Engine has been programmed to become more aware of Social Media when it ranks web sites on the internet nowadays. So if you have a Facebook page for your Business then the more people that LIKE it the more Google will think that your site is worth a higher search ranking and that includes you main web site if you have links from your Facebook Page to your web site (you do do that don't you??). Make sure you have a button for liking on your web site. I've got one on the right -------> you might even want to click it to see how it works ;) You can get this button from Facebook at

Why not start liking others pages too ..... they'll probably LIKE you back ..... Liking other people pages want harm you .... and it will certainly help you if they LIKE you back!

It's all about being Social .... You Scratch My Back and I'll Scratch Yours ... LIKE FOR LIKE.

Or as Shakespeare would put it ...... As you LIKE it.


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