So what is it? do Google want people to practice SEO or Not?.....
I beleive that Google do not want people to practice SEO ........... for these reasons.........
I was trying to figure out what to do in order to be a good SEO Specialist in light of the latest changes to the Google Algorythims (Panda/Penguin) and a cracking idea started to form in my head ...... it was simple ... all a company would have to do, is create a ..... Portal of Power .... a Website containing well researched well developed and well written articles on the subjects that their customers would be interested in (not Web Spam Sites with little content) .....these would be centres of excellence on their particularl subject .... ideally rivalling and exceeding Wikipedias authority on particular subjects .... companies would not advertise or even acknowledge the site ownership ..... but when they had established their excellence and appropriate lvels of Search Engine Ranking then direct links from the Portal of Power would got straight to the products of the company. This would work, not from a spammy backlinking point of view from a site of little and poor content ...... but from a genuine way of directing potential customers from a site of excellence and interest, on the associated subject, to a relevant product from the createor of the site. Therfore using Google's own guidelines of producing fantastic content for consumers and then creating a direct sales funnel to the products of the company that had created the website of excellence ........... EUREKA!!
Told my wife ........ but she said ....... "when I want to buy something such as Bike for example .... I don't put 'Bicycles' or 'Bike' or the 'History of the Bicycle' or 'Bicycle Information' into Google ........ I put 'Bikes for Sale' in!!!" So at that instant I realised..........
All that stuff about giving people Better Quality Sites to find and a Better User Experience is just a smoke screen from Google ........ What they really want is ....... if you put 'Bikes for Sale' into Google ...... you get interesting articels on Bikes from non-profit organizations in the Organic listings .... AND GUESS WHAT ..... the PPC (pay per click) Ads from web sites that are selling Bikes.
As the Meerkat on Compare the Meerkat would say Simplezz ........ Google want to get more PPC (pay per click) revenue from commercial organizations by clamping down on SEO. It's a simple correlation ........ money spent on SEO Specialists is effectively money not spent on PPC.
If this is the case ....... I think Google are being short sited ........ more from me on this soon.
All the best Dave.
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