Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers

At the end of the day Google doesn't like to get fooled. Overly optimized sites will be targeted by Google more and more in the future. If they suspect that a site is over optimized for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) then they will de-rank that web site from their Search Listings and who would blame them as they are trying to get relevant information to their customers i.e. you and me. Let's face it, we're all sick and tired of searching for something and having to wade though no content spam sites!! Modern SEO has to be about making your site visible through engagement with your customers and the people that you want to be your customers. If you are a business considering using an SEO firm to improve your rankings you must ask them and be reassured that they are not going to use traditional back link spamming that so many SEO firms have relied on in the past and are still trying to sell today. THESE WILL BACKFIRE ON YOUR BUSINESS!! sooner or later. Your approach must be one of honesty and a genuine desire to provide a quality internet experience for your customers and a genuine desire to engage with your customers. JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW. Yours Dave.


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