Friday, June 22, 2012

How to Check Your Search Position on Google

If you want to check your search position on Google DON'T use any piece of SEO Software to do it!! Google specifically Objects to the use of this software as it uses up their bandwidth and points at the users of such Software as someone who is trying to Game or Cheat their system. Google could well punish your website by having it De-Listed. So if you want to check how well you are doing on Google Search it's best to do it the long way by using Google. This may be slow, but it will be accurate (Most SEO Software isn't) and frankly if you are not appearing in the first ten pages for a search term you are working on, then you know that you need to work harder at it. It really isn't worth searching past page ten. Also.... add Google Analyticals and Google Web Tools to your site. This will provide you with a host of information legitimately from Google. Google want you to reach your audience (legitimately) so they provide loads of help. Lastly if you are using an SEO Firm ....... ask them if they are using SEO Software on your site ...... if they are .... ask them to stop NOW!!


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