Tuesday, June 26, 2012

SEO Search Engine Optimization Basics - Keyword Placement

Here is a search on Google for the keywords Birthday Cake Shop. These are the top four Organic (not paid for or Google Map Results) Search results. The words of the search are Highlighted by Google and show where they are in the web pages that have been found. Many factors affect a web sites position on Google, but as we are concentrating on the effective placement of keywords on your site in this post let's look at the above picture and see where the keywords are highlighted. The first search result has the words Birthday Cake twice starting on the left as it's pages title Highlighted in Blue

Lesson 1...... put you main keywords in your Page Title as close to the left as possible. 

The first three all have the word cake in their URL (Web Name) and the second position actually has cakeshop in it. Green Highlights 

Lesson 2 ...... make sure that the main keyword(s) that you want to be found for are in your URL  (Web Name).

Lastly all of these search results have the keywords near the beginning of the first paragraph of the web page found (Black Highlights) so ......... 

Lesson 3 ....... Place the keywords you want to be found for in the first paragraph and as near to the beginning of the paragraph.

Keyword Placement for Better Google Search Position?..... It's as simple as 1...2....3


Friday, June 22, 2012

How to Check Your Search Position on Google

If you want to check your search position on Google DON'T use any piece of SEO Software to do it!! Google specifically Objects to the use of this software as it uses up their bandwidth and points at the users of such Software as someone who is trying to Game or Cheat their system. Google could well punish your website by having it De-Listed. So if you want to check how well you are doing on Google Search it's best to do it the long way by using Google. This may be slow, but it will be accurate (Most SEO Software isn't) and frankly if you are not appearing in the first ten pages for a search term you are working on, then you know that you need to work harder at it. It really isn't worth searching past page ten. Also.... add Google Analyticals and Google Web Tools to your site. This will provide you with a host of information legitimately from Google. Google want you to reach your audience (legitimately) so they provide loads of help. Lastly if you are using an SEO Firm ....... ask them if they are using SEO Software on your site ...... if they are .... ask them to stop NOW!!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers

At the end of the day Google doesn't like to get fooled. Overly optimized sites will be targeted by Google more and more in the future. If they suspect that a site is over optimized for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) then they will de-rank that web site from their Search Listings and who would blame them as they are trying to get relevant information to their customers i.e. you and me. Let's face it, we're all sick and tired of searching for something and having to wade though no content spam sites!! Modern SEO has to be about making your site visible through engagement with your customers and the people that you want to be your customers. If you are a business considering using an SEO firm to improve your rankings you must ask them and be reassured that they are not going to use traditional back link spamming that so many SEO firms have relied on in the past and are still trying to sell today. THESE WILL BACKFIRE ON YOUR BUSINESS!! sooner or later. Your approach must be one of honesty and a genuine desire to provide a quality internet experience for your customers and a genuine desire to engage with your customers. JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW. Yours Dave.


More Articles by David Steer ............

My SEO Philosophy. The Three Cs of SEO .....

Payola Social Media ..... The Zen of SEO ..... 5 mins of SEO to get your Twitter A/c to a Better Google Position. ..... Befriend the Penguin for Good SEO ..... Googel vs SEO. Do Google want PPC only for Commercial sites? ..... Post Penguin SEO – Stop Whinging – Start Changing ..... Bad SEO: The Duplication of Content ..... Five Keys to OnPage Keyword SEO ..... Top Ten Tips for a Top Ten Google Position ..... Five Easy SEO Wins for a Better Google Position ..... Don't be an eCommerce CopyCat it's Bad SEO ..... Like for Like is Good SEO ..... SEO Search Engine Optimization Basics - Keyword Placement ..... How to Check Your Search Position on Google ..... Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers ..... Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection ..... Digital Curation and SEO ..... Social Shares are Better than Back Links for SEO now ..... SEO and You Tube Visibility ..... Google isn't the only Fruit ..... Over aggressive back link building SEO strategies will backfire ..... Improve your SEO using Social Media ..... Social Media & SEO ..... Instagram and Tumblr

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection

When choosing the SEO keywords that you are going to focus on in your SEO (Search Engine Optimization)campaign, think about the keywords that your customers would put into Google to find you. Don't think about the keywords that you would use. You are an expert in your business and probably use insider words and specialist words when talking about your business. When interacting with your customers there is no harm in asking them ... "what keywords would you put into Google to find me? .... if you didn't know of my business already?" List these words over a period of time and you'll probably get some very effective keywords for your SEO campaign.


More Articles by David Steer ............

My SEO Philosophy. The Three Cs of SEO .....

Payola Social Media ..... The Zen of SEO ..... 5 mins of SEO to get your Twitter A/c to a Better Google Position. ..... Befriend the Penguin for Good SEO ..... Googel vs SEO. Do Google want PPC only for Commercial sites? ..... Post Penguin SEO – Stop Whinging – Start Changing ..... Bad SEO: The Duplication of Content ..... Five Keys to OnPage Keyword SEO ..... Top Ten Tips for a Top Ten Google Position ..... Five Easy SEO Wins for a Better Google Position ..... Don't be an eCommerce CopyCat it's Bad SEO ..... Like for Like is Good SEO ..... SEO Search Engine Optimization Basics - Keyword Placement ..... How to Check Your Search Position on Google ..... Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers ..... Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection ..... Digital Curation and SEO ..... Social Shares are Better than Back Links for SEO now ..... SEO and You Tube Visibility ..... Google isn't the only Fruit ..... Over aggressive back link building SEO strategies will backfire ..... Improve your SEO using Social Media ..... Social Media & SEO ..... Instagram and Tumblr

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Digital Curation and SEO

Digital Curation is the the storing of Digital Information around a particular event or object for the Long Term. Nowadays this process is made far simpler by the the use of Smart phones. If you are putting on an event or you want to document the progress of your organisation. Then using a Smart Phone to take photos, videos, sound recordings .... upload them to Social Media as you go, such as Instagram for your photos, You Tube for your videos and Sound Cloud for your audio clips. This is a fantastic way to document what you are doing and will give the coverage a real 'Live' up to the minute feel. It also gives excellent exposure to your customers and clients .... and if you use proper keywords and linking it should vastly improve your SEO!


More Articles by David Steer ............

My SEO Philosophy. The Three Cs of SEO .....

The Zen of SEO ..... 5 mins of SEO to get your Twitter A/c to a Better Google Position. ..... Befriend the Penguin for Good SEO ..... Googel vs SEO. Do Google want PPC only for Commercial sites? ..... Post Penguin SEO – Stop Whinging – Start Changing ..... Bad SEO: The Duplication of Content ..... Five Keys to OnPage Keyword SEO ..... Top Ten Tips for a Top Ten Google Position ..... Five Easy SEO Wins for a Better Google Position ..... Don't be an eCommerce CopyCat it's Bad SEO ..... Like for Like is Good SEO ..... SEO Search Engine Optimization Basics - Keyword Placement ..... How to Check Your Search Position on Google ..... Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers ..... Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection ..... Digital Curation and SEO ..... Social Shares are Better than Back Links for SEO now ..... SEO and You Tube Visibility ..... Google isn't the only Fruit ..... Over aggressive back link building SEO strategies will backfire ..... Improve your SEO using Social Media ..... Social Media & SEO ..... Instagram and Tumblr

Friday, June 8, 2012

Social Shares are Better than Back Links for SEO now

Google have introduced a new search algorithm called Panda/Penguin. Which is looking unfavorably on web sites which overuse back-linking as a means of upping their search rankings. Recent online research shows that Social Sharing of your internet presence is now far more favourable to your search rankings. So if you want to improve your search rankings on Google then think ....Facebook Shares ... Facebook Likes .... Facebook Comments ... Tweets and Re-tweets for SUCCESS!


More Articles by David Steer ............

My SEO Philosophy. The Three Cs of SEO .....

The Zen of SEO ..... 5 mins of SEO to get your Twitter A/c to a Better Google Position. ..... Befriend the Penguin for Good SEO ..... Googel vs SEO. Do Google want PPC only for Commercial sites? ..... Post Penguin SEO – Stop Whinging – Start Changing ..... Bad SEO: The Duplication of Content ..... Five Keys to OnPage Keyword SEO ..... Top Ten Tips for a Top Ten Google Position ..... Five Easy SEO Wins for a Better Google Position ..... Don't be an eCommerce CopyCat it's Bad SEO ..... Like for Like is Good SEO ..... SEO Search Engine Optimization Basics - Keyword Placement ..... How to Check Your Search Position on Google ..... Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers ..... Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection ..... Digital Curation and SEO ..... Social Shares are Better than Back Links for SEO now ..... SEO and You Tube Visibility ..... Google isn't the only Fruit ..... Over aggressive back link building SEO strategies will backfire ..... Improve your SEO using Social Media ..... Social Media & SEO ..... Instagram and Tumblr

Saturday, June 2, 2012

SEO and You Tube Visibility

Getting your You Tube videos find-able by your audience is an incredibly important aspect to SEO. Use the You Tube Keyword Suggestion Tool to get the right keywords to promote your videos. Also get suggestions for keywords from the auto complete function when you put in keywords. Lastly, use all the available space allocated to each video, for Title, Descriptions and Tags. Say as much about your video as you can and pack it with relevant, keyword rich, content.