Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Google isn't the only Fruit

When thinking about your SEO strategy don't just think in terms of SEO and Google. Of course Google is very important, probably the most important search engine currently, but you must think about all the other search engines ..... including the ones that are part of Social Media. i.e. the search functions of Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Instagram etc etc. People will search for you, your products and your services in so many ways ..... not just through Google. Have a great day Dave.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Over aggressive back link building SEO strategies will backfire.

Google has got wise to over aggressive back link building. So if your SEO strategy relies on buying loads of back links for your business it could seriously back fire on your business. Google have recently introduced new software which will actively look ofr over aggressive back-linking on a site ... and if found will exclude that site from their search listings.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Improve your SEO using Social Media

SEO search Engine Optimization can be approached in a number of ways ......... but I believe that an above board (white Hat) approach is best for companies and individuals in the long run. Under hand (Black Hat) Techniques can catch up with you,especially if a search engine catches you using them, as this can lead to you being banned from the search listings. I believe that through the proper use of Social Media SEO can be improved greatly.