Sunday, December 11, 2011

Social Media and Internet Marketing Workshops

Have been really enjoying myself giving workshops on Social Media and Internet Marketing through the Centre for Business for SMEs. These have been a series of three workshops at three locations in South Wales. Attendees have included Clemetine Hillman from Vogue Interior Design, Christine Miller from Operative Learning  Denny Goom and Mathew J Davies from Westward Management Services Ltd the Artist Helen Langford David Loughlin from Sentomol.

All the attendees have been great fun, clever and interesting ........ makes my job fun to do!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Social Media Course at Centre for Business

Having a great time working on a Social Media Course at the  Centre for Business

Monday, October 24, 2011

ICT Diagnostics, Social Media and Cloud Systems

Last week I did IT Consultancy with Molaris Ltd , Marine Shipping Services Ltd and Westward Management Services through the Welsh Government's ICT Diagnostic scheme as part of my main IT Contract with the Centre for Business in Wales. Molaris do Dental Nurse Agency. Marine Shipping Services hire Stevedores and arrange loading and unloading of ships. Westward Managements services manage between 25 and 50 public houses. All of them are becoming particularly interested in using Social Media to promote their Businesses and are also interested in using Cloud Systems. Hope to work with them further through implementation of IT systems and through Training in Social media.

More SEO STEERs ..... Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers ..... Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection ..... Digital Curation and SEO ..... Social Shares are Better than Back Links for SEO now ..... SEO and You Tube Visibility ..... Google isn't the only Fruit ..... Over aggressive back link building SEO strategies will backfire ..... Improve your SEO using Social Media ..... Social Media & SEO ..... Instagram and Tumblr


Blog by David Steer SEO Specialist Wales and UK

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Google App Inventor

Have been learning to use the Google App Inventor the Rapid Development Tool for creating Android Apps ........ It's fantastic fun!! My Wife and Business Partner has just got a Samsung Galaxy S2 so I've been porting the Apps I'm writing to that. 

PS have an iPhone myself ...... it's v good but ....... the Galaxy S2 is Better!!

PPS Offered to swap ...... but Annette's having none of it.


More SEO STEERs ..... Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers ..... Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection ..... Digital Curation and SEO ..... Social Shares are Better than Back Links for SEO now ..... SEO and You Tube Visibility ..... Google isn't the only Fruit ..... Over aggressive back link building SEO strategies will backfire ..... Improve your SEO using Social Media ..... Social Media & SEO ..... Instagram and Tumblr


Blog by David Steer SEO Specialist Wales and UK

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Social Media and Pay Per Click with Adwords

I've been having a busy and fun time working with a variety of interesting clients. Have been working on Social Media Consultancy and Training with a very talented Artist Helen Langford and with Nic Shugar who runs a Mountain Education Company called Haute Route. Also have spent time Consulting and Training on the use of Google Adwords with Rashad Ismail of the Centre for Business and his Business Client Kamal who has developed a Hajj Bag for Pilgrims to Mecca.

Have also provided IT Consultancy to Metal Fabrication Ltd, Celtic Process Control and Scenery Hire Ltd through the Welsh Government ICT Diagnostic Scheme under contract with my main IT contract with the Centre for Business.

More SEO STEERs ..... Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers ..... Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection ..... Digital Curation and SEO ..... Social Shares are Better than Back Links for SEO now ..... SEO and You Tube Visibility ..... Google isn't the only Fruit ..... Over aggressive back link building SEO strategies will backfire ..... Improve your SEO using Social Media ..... Social Media & SEO ..... Instagram and Tumblr


Blog by David Steer SEO Specialist Wales and UK

Friday, August 5, 2011

SEO Search Engine Optimisation

SEO the acronym that means Search Engine Optimisation is all to do with getting your web site as high up the search engines (such as Google) listings as possible. One must be wary of services that promise to cheat the search engines. This is never advisable as it will inevitably be spotted by the search engines and could possibly lead to your web site being blacklisted and completely dropped  from search listings.Also by putting your website high on search listings for search terms irrelevant to your products or services your run the risk of alienating your customers. SEO should always be relevant to what you do and concentrate on finding the people whpo need to see your website.

More SEO STEERs ..... Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers ..... Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection ..... Digital Curation and SEO ..... Social Shares are Better than Back Links for SEO now ..... SEO and You Tube Visibility ..... Google isn't the only Fruit ..... Over aggressive back link building SEO strategies will backfire ..... Improve your SEO using Social Media ..... Social Media & SEO ..... Instagram and Tumblr


Blog by David Steer SEO Specialist Wales and UK

Thursday, July 14, 2011

IT Consultancy - ATC Floors and Doors - Wales

Just had a good afternoon doing some IT Consultancy with ATC Floors and Doors through the Welsh Government's ICT Diagnostic scheme as part of my main IT Contract with the Centre for Business in Wales. ATC Floors and Doors are a friendly company supplying a quality product. As with many SME's they are very interested in Cloud Computing and using Social Media to promote their business.

More SEO STEERs ..... Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers ..... Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection ..... Digital Curation and SEO ..... Social Shares are Better than Back Links for SEO now ..... SEO and You Tube Visibility ..... Google isn't the only Fruit ..... Over aggressive back link building SEO strategies will backfire ..... Improve your SEO using Social Media ..... Social Media & SEO ..... Instagram and Tumblr


Blog by David Steer SEO Specialist Wales and UK

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Daniels Fans - IT Consultancy - Wales

 Am currently doing IT Consultancy for Daniels Fans ...................

Daniels Fans is a privately owned company offering a comprehensive range of high temperature industrial fans suitable for operating up to 1150 ° C. Founded in 1977 by Neville Daniels the company is now a leading supplier to aluminium and steel heat treatment furnace manufacturers world wide.

More SEO STEERs ..... Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers ..... Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection ..... Digital Curation and SEO ..... Social Shares are Better than Back Links for SEO now ..... SEO and You Tube Visibility ..... Google isn't the only Fruit ..... Over aggressive back link building SEO strategies will backfire ..... Improve your SEO using Social Media ..... Social Media & SEO ..... Instagram and Tumblr


Blog by David Steer SEO Specialist Wales and UK

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mobile Me and Microsoft 365 ..... It's gone all Cloudy!

There seems to be a plethora of Cloud Systems available at the moment ....... have been using Mobile Me (Apples offering) and been very satisfied with it, as it integrates so well with my iPads and iPhone. However I now find that Apple are changing this service into their new iCloud Service in the Autumn .... and have suspended the Mobile Me service until then ..... existing Mobile Me customers will be transferred to the iCloud at that point.

So as well as being a Google Docs user (since it first started ..2006??) am now trying out Microsoft 365 (Microsoft's new Cloud Offering) ...... Looks promising .... will post more info as I use it.

More SEO STEERs ..... Google Doesn't Panda to Over Eggers ..... Focus on your Customers for SEO Keyword Selection ..... Digital Curation and SEO ..... Social Shares are Better than Back Links for SEO now ..... SEO and You Tube Visibility ..... Google isn't the only Fruit ..... Over aggressive back link building SEO strategies will backfire ..... Improve your SEO using Social Media ..... Social Media & SEO ..... Instagram and Tumblr


Blog by David Steer SEO Specialist Wales and UK